25 éve Veletek – PC Dome / PlayDome

Labdarúgó VB 2014 - Játék

Írd ide hozzászólásod:

balays82 [14276]
A szabályzatból idézve:

"You can change every player in your line-up that has already played during the current round for any other relevant player in your squad that hasn’t already played. You can also change the captain as long as the new captain hasn’t already started to play.

For example if you have placed NEYMAR on Your Pitch and he did not perform as well as you expected after the first match you can replace him with a forward from your bench that hasn’t already played during the current round. You would lose the points from NEYMAR for the round but the new player might get more points."

Ha jól értelmezem a leírtakat, akkor lehet majd (vissza)cserélni, mert mindig csak az aktuális körről beszél a szabályzat.
