25 éve Veletek – PC Dome / PlayDome

Forma 1 2005

Írd ide hozzászólásod:

Daedalus [2284]

Pyton: Hi Michael!
MSCH: Hey mate! Wassap?
Pyton: Look, I dont have time for some chit-chat so...
MSCH: öö. okay.
Pyton: Shutd fuck up and listen!! You wount win the next race will ya? Keep going on ya raced til now - outside the circuit and so on. Did we understand each other?!
MSCH: as you wish my master...
Pyton: Na azé.. bazmeg.
MSCH: Sorry?
Pyton: F!!.. nothing! Now get off my face or shit will become real. Fuck off Májkel, just fuck off.


