Egy kis segítség a DEMO-hoz:
-- Info gathered by Mocib
-- Originally posted on the Official Far Cry forum
-- Official demo FAQ
UPDATED/EDITED: 18:48 2004.01.29 (CET+2)
These are all copy/pasted, not my inventions. Kudos to the makers... and of course to Crytek for making Far Cry
All of these are tested with this configuration: (* = not able to test)
AMD Athlon XP 2600+ 2083MHz
1GB Samsung 333MHz DDR CL2.5
Creative 3D Blaster 4 Ti 4400 128MB DDR (ForceWare v53.03)
Creative SoundBlaster Live! Value
Use this tweak with the "PARAGLIDER + HUMWEE" mod found on this page.
Make a backup copy of the "Paraglider.lua" in "\Far Cry Demo\Scripts\Default\Entities\Vehicles\", then open the non-backup and change the following variables in the boat_params={ section:
Turn = 45 -- I like this a little higher than the default 30, I think
Speedv = 1000 -- Put this wherever you want, 1000 is what I like
Stand = 20 -- Makes the transition back to flat gliding smoother, after diving/rising
TiltTurn = 0.06 -- Makes it so that the glider doesn't tilt to the side when you turn... you can leave it like that if you like the tilting, or find a happy medium)
TiltSpd = 1.0 -- Set all 4 of the TiltSpd vars to 1.0
DownRate = 0 -- This makes it so that there is no gravity effect, so you can always glide around
BackUpRate = 2000 -- This is for gaining altitude quicker, when pressing move backwards button
BackUpSlowDwnRate=0 -- I'm not completely sure what this is supposed to do, but strange things happened when the value was other than 0
UpSpeedThrhld = 0 -- Same thing here... just set it to 0
Feel free to tweak any of the vars to see if you can get a more desired flying experience... If you want to go back to normal settings, delete the "Paraglider.lua" and rename the backup copy back to "Paraglider.lua".
Go to "\Far Cry Demo\Scripts\materials\". Look at the .lua files which say: mat_grass, mat_grass_dry, mat_grass_tall, mat_grass_wet, mat_leaves_np, mat_leaves. Those files are the ones we are going to change with Wordpad, Word, Notepad or whatever you prefer.
Open 1 up, doesn't matter which one. Scroll down and you should see something like this:
gameplay_physic = {
piercing_resistence = 15,
friction = 0.6,
bouncyness= -2, -- default 0
Change the piercing_resistence to 0. So it should look like this:
gameplay_physic = {
piercing_resistence = 0,
friction = 0.6,
bouncyness= -2, -- default 0
Do that with all the files, save and enjoy
The game has a "special NV3x PS2.0 path" in it. You need to start the game in developer mode (add -DEVMODE to the demo shortcut) and then type \d3d9_nv30_ps20 1 in the console.
This produces prettier graphics (in certain areas) but makes the game run a bit slower.
This replaces the fishes and birds with sharks. Put z_sharks.pak to your "\Far Cry Demo\Levels\Fort\" folder and delete any previous mods in that folder.
You need to make sure your "Environment Quality" and "Special Effects Quality" are set to high or very high.
This replaces the buggy with a giant eight-wheeler "HEMTT" vehicle.
Put xhemmt.pak in the "\Far Cry Demo\Levels\Fort\" folder and delete any previous mods in that folder.
Put hemmt.pak in the "\Far Cry Demo\FCData\" folder (DON'T delete that "models.pak").
Right click "Far Cry Demo" icon and edit the target line like this "\FarCryDemo\FarCry.exe -DEVMODE", click "Apply" and "OK".
Download and replace this file in "\Far Cry Demo\" directory.
Press F1 in game to change view
Press F4 for fly mode
Press "p" -- give all weapons and "o" -- all ammo
In console: \thirdpersonrange 1-7 distance from player.
Open "\Far Cry Demo\systemcfg.lua" and put in these lines:
ai_ignoreplayer = "1"
ai_soundperception = "0"
Make the "systemcfg.lua" as read-only if you want the settings to stay.
The screenshot key is F12 and they are saved to "\Far Cry Demo\" folder as .jpg's.
If you want to play without a visible weapon and a HUD:
Type \cl_display_hud 0 in console, use the "GOD MODE, ALL WEAPONS, ALL AMMO, MAX HEALTH"- cheat from this page, enable all weapons cheat and finally choose a weapon without a skin.
Right click "Far Cry Demo" icon and edit the target line like this "\FarCryDemo\FarCry.exe -DEVMODE", click "Apply" and "OK".
Go into "\Far Cry Demo\Levels\Fort\" and make a copy of the "level.pak" file. Next, open the non-copy in WinZip and extract the files to a temp folder. Open up "leveldata.xml" in Word, Word Pad or whatever. Change the "WaterLevel" value to, for example, 100 and the water level will be just below the fortress (original value is 16). Now, save and repack those files with WinZip and rename it back to level.pak. Replace the original file in "\Far Cry Demo\Levels\Fort\" directory with the new one and you're done.
But, there's a catch... after using this water mod the paraglider + humwee mod etc. won't work. However, if you first change the "WaterLevel" back to 16, then delete all the paraglider mod files except "Paraglider.lua", then start the game, quit it and finally copy the needed paraglider files back to their folders. After that, you can do some flying again
Backup "Far Cry Demo\Scripts\AI\Behaviors\AIBehaviour.lua". Open the non-backup file of "AIBehaviour.lua" and look for these lines:
Heli_path = "Scripts/AI/Behaviors/Vehicles/Helicopter/Heli_path.lua"
Heli_patrol = "Scripts/AI/Behaviors/Vehicles/Helicopter/Heli_patrol.lua"
Heli_goto = "Scripts/AI/Behaviors/Vehicles/Helicopter/Heli_goto.lua"
Heli_transport = "Scripts/AI/Behaviors/Vehicles/Helicopter/Heli_transport.lua"
Heli_attack = "Scripts/AI/Behaviors/Vehicles/Helicopter/Heli_attack.lua"
Once found, delete those lines, and those lines ONLY! Save. If you want the helicopters back just delete the "AIBehaviour.lua" and rename the backup copy back to "AIBehaviour.lua".
Set anisotropic filtering to "Application-controlled" from the control panel of your video card. Next, open "\Far Cry Demo\systemcfg.lua" with Notepad. Find d3d9_TextureFilter = "TRILINEAR" and change it to d3d9_TextureFilter = "ANISOTROPIC". Then, find r_Texture_Anisotropic_Level = "1" and change the value to 4, 8, 16 etc. Now you have aniso in the game. Make the "systemcfg.lua" read-only if you want the settings to stay.
ATTN: AF is very power hungry and makes the game run slower.
Set antialiasing to "Application-controlled" from the control panel of your video card. Start the game and go to Options > Video Options and set the AA level.
ATTN: AA is very power hungry and makes the game run slower.
\r_glare 1 makes the scenery to have glare (0 = off).
This effect can particularly be seen with the \r_rendermode 1 command. The way this works is quite realistic. An example: if you stare at glaring white beach sand you'll notice that "your eyes" get used to it and you can see more detail. Very cool effect, IMHO
***EDIT: Fixed so that works also with the newer demo & Added a non-reflective version*** It should rock 'n roll now
Instead of spawning in the zodiac, you'll spawn at the height of 800 feet with a glider right below you.. I couldn't make it so that you'd already be hanging in the glider, so you'll have to press the use key in the beginning. I also replaced the buggy with a humvee.
Download either...
xglider.pak OR xglider_nr.pak and models.pak
"xglider_nr.pak" doesn't have the reflection patch, and the "xglider.pak" comes with the reflection patch. Place "xglider.pak" OR "xglider_nr.pak" into "Far Cry Demo\Levels\Fort" AND models.pak into "Far Cry Demo\FCData"
Type \p_deathtime 9999 in console and bodies will not disappear for a loooong time (30 is original value). You can also add p_deathtime 9999 to "\Far Cry Demo\systemcfg.lua" and make the file as read-only if you want that setting to stay.
Free roaming anywhere on the map, does not make you immortal, god mode does
Replace "\Far Cry Demo\Scripts\Default\Entities\Others\DamageArea.lua" with DamageArea.lua
Uber 'Aqua' Buggy with more speed and underwater roving at land speed! Replace "\Far Cry Demo\Scripts\Default\Entities\Vehicles\buggy.lua" with Buggy.lua.
To stop the choppers after they have started firing at you out of bounds, press ESC and save game by typing \save_game savename. Then load the game byt typing \load_game savename and the chopper should only hover above you now. You will then be free to roam the level.
36x and 48x zooms. These numbers do not show up on your scope *yet*, however it does zoom in that far. While looking through the scope, it also does not sway AT ALL!
Replace the file in "\Scripts\Default\Entities\Weapons\" with THIS ONE: AW50.lua
Go into "\Far Cry Demo\Levels\Fort\" and make a copy of the "level.pak" file. Next, open the non-copy in WinZip and extract the files to a temp folder. Open up "mission_fort.xml" in Word, Word Pad or whatever.
Press CTRL+F to find this line: Water="TerrainWater_OnlySky"
Delete the _OnlySky part so that it looks like this: Water="TerrainWater". Now, save that and repack those files in a .zip and rename it back to "level.pak". Replace the original file in "\Far Cry Demo\Levels\Fort\" directory with the new one and you're done.
Now EVERYTHING will be reflected in the water... your own body, trees, rocks, smoke, explosions... whatever. Everything will be seen in the reflections. It's really amazing.
While in game, hit the tilde key (§) to enter console (the key left from 1-key, below ESC) Type \e_water_ocean_sun_reflection 1, but it does not work if \r_waterrefractions is set to 1, not with my GF4 anyways... So, type \r_waterrefractions 0 and the sun should now be reflected on the water.
Go into \Far Cry Demo\Levels\Fort\ and make a copy of the "level.pak" file. Next, open the non-copy in WinZip and extract the files to a temp folder. Open up "mission_fort.xml" in, Word, Wordpad or whatever. Click "Edit" > "Replace..."
Put this into "Find what": SkipOnLowSpec="1" Put this into "Replace with": SkipOnLowSpec="0"
Do "Replace All" and save. Now play the demo and enjoy your all new shark, jeep, and a lot of other cool stuff!
Replace "\Far Cry Demo\Scripts\Default\GameRules.lua" with this.
And replace "\Far Cry Demo\Scripts\MenuScreens\Ingame\InGameSingle.lua" with this.
Start game, press ESC and your menu now has options for all weapons, all ammo, max health and god mode.
Press § (left from 1-key, below ESC)
\ca_drawbones 1 -- Display bones used by skeletal animation engine
\hud_panoramic 1 -- Use with cl_display_hud 0, play in letterbox mode for a movie-like experience
\e_terrain_lod_ratio -- Set to 1 or less to display more detail in the terrain far ahead
\meminfo 1 -- Display interesting information about game modules and memory consumption
\r_displayinfo 1 - Display performance statistics such as fps, number of polygons in scene, etc
\r_stats 1 -- Display info on current shaders and textures
\r_rendermode 0 -- Normal mode
\r_rendermode 1 -- Use "soft light" renderer for a dreamy effect
\r_rendermode 2 -- Use "cold colors" renderer for a realistic effect
\r_rendermode 3 -- Use "cel shaded" renderer for a cartoony, XIII-like effect
\r_rendermode 4 -- Use "ultra contrast" renderer if you want to ruin your eyes because you can't see anything
\e_water_ocean_sun_reflection 1 - Enable cool effect of sun reflecting in water
\r_waterreflections 1 -- Already enabled by default, consider disabling it to boost fps
\r_waterrefractions 1 -- Disabled by default, enable for refraction effect in water
\save_game savename -- Saves the current game into the file AnySaveGame
\load_game savename -- Obviously, loads save game AnySaveGame from disk
\start_frame_display -- I'm not even gonna try to explain what's going on there, lots of cool renderer stats
\start_frame_profiling -- Remove stats shown with start_frame_display
\w_recoil_max_degree 0 -- For you ladies out there, disables the recoil of all the guns
\w_accuracy_decay_speed 0 -- Another one for the mouse-handicapped, gun accuracy remains steady while firing
\e_deformable_terrain 1 -- It will take the rocket launcher to do it, and only in open terrain, not near trees or buildings. It won't do a huge hole like GeoMod did either, but it shows it is possible in this engine
default 0, set to 1 for tripplebuffering
default 0.550000
I have a feeling this changes texture quality to the lower quality alternative when they are not in your angle of view.. i will try it however to see if i can get rid of the distance low detail textures.
It's a level of detail ratio, like the terrain one i tried earlier (which causes quite a frame rate drop when looking at distant terrain i should add) i'm hoping it will change the level of detail of something else.. textures, vegetation? or perhaps all of these things including terrain.. and other commands change the lod seperately. Anyway, like the terrain LOD, anything below 1 should enable the highest detail.
values from 1-7 change blur type
YESSS!!! FOUND IT!! this is for vegetation lod ratio!! aha! lowering the value should make vegetation stay high detail at further distances.. so no annoying pixelated trees 60m away
similar thing.. perhaps this has more to do with what i want, and the obj_lod_ratio makes them the highest detail 100% of the time.. this looks like it can just adjust what distance objects go low detail at.. strange seeing when using my binoculars i found trees usually went low detail at around 55m.
i guess on 0 objects will remain visible all the time.. that's gotta hurt performance at long range distances
amounts between 0-1 controls the density of the rain.. i wonder if setting a value will cause it to rain where it's not meant ot doubt it, but would be great if true.
another vegetation related one.. this should set the distance at which objects turn into sprites.. which is probably for me the most annoying thing about the vegetation.. some sprites are hirrobly low detail, and objects can change to sprites at like 50-60m.. which is very noticable.
i posted this before.. but i wasn't sure of the default.. setting to 1 will dramatically increase the LOD of terrain at distances.. but it will cost you
Render far heightmap sectors as one mesh.. i guess turning this off could increase visuals of distant terrain.. only, with the above command, poly count is certaintly high enough.. hell my frame rate drops to 25FPS when looking at distant terrain with the ratio below 1.
Use single pass volumetric fog on terrain where possible.. could up fog amount if you want to increase performance.. looks like there is no fog by default. That's gotta be a first for games like this!
Allows to reduce terrain texture resolution by selecting more low mips from texture file.. i would have thought this was on by default.. maybe texture detail is a seperate thing. hopefully i can turn that off too.. as terrain 70-100m away looks like a game from 1997;p
Activates drawing of sprites instead of distributed objects at far distance (just brilliant ) will try deactivating this! can see my frame rate now
hmmmm, havent seen any trees bend myself.. in a video i did, from rocket..
Orient 3d vegetations and sprites to much each other.. not exactly sure on this.. i guess it has something to do with the switching between objects and sprites.
Sprite texture size modifier. 0 - no scale, 1 - scale 2 times down and so on
0 - default tesselation, 2 - high tesselation, -1 - select automatically depends on per pixel projection support ... tesselation, that have something to do with refraction? or more of the roughness of the water on the surface.. hehe surfs up!
Full console commands list
...Vegeta a világ egyik legerősebbre megalkotott figurája az emberi képzeletnek, Goku az első...