Writers that are able to do SafeDisc 2 backups are mentioned below. This list is provided as it is, so there are no guarantees to be made from this list! If you have some information to make this list bigger, please e-mail me at . Please make sure you mention the following information:
Manufacturer of the writer.
Writer type.
Interface (Atapi/SCSI/USB/etc).
Tested game titles.
Do the backups play in the recorder only or in all CD-ROM's ?
Any other info that could be important...
Please do not email me with these kind of messages "WRITER XXX makes back-ups that also work in CD-ROM XXX but your list says it works in the recorder only!". It has to work in ALL (or at least most) CD-ROMs or else it will be listed as 'recorder only'. I know there sometimes are more units that can read it but I would have to add every CD-ROM that could read it and since these are just exceptions it's not really relevant. Of course if the back-ups don't work in your old and crappy reader this doesn't count
And another thing: don't mail me in German, French, Korean, etc... I only speak English and Dutch!
Manufacturer: Type: I-Face: Extra Information:
ACER CDW-4232A Atapi Only readable in recorder (BlindSuite used to read/write)
CDW-4432A Atapi
CDW-6432A Atapi
CDW-8432A Atapi
CDW-8432IA Atapi
CDW-1032A Atapi
CDW-1832A Atapi
CDW-1208A Atapi
CDW-1210A Atapi
CDW-1610A Atapi
CDW-2010A Atapi
MiniRW 6424 USB
ARTEC CDRW-4x4x24 Atapi Unit based on PHILIPS CDD4201
CDRW-8x4x32 Atapi Unit based on PHILIPS CDD4801
CDRW-24x10x40 Atapi
WPA-28 Atapi
ASUS CRW-1610A Atapi
BTC BCE-1610IM Atapi Skips SD2 errors very slowly with CloneCD and FES enabled.
CREATIVE 121032 Atapi Unit based on PLEXTOR PX-W1210A
FREECOM 2/2/24 Atapi
FUJITSU Spinbird CD-RW 4x4x24 Atapi Unit based on PHILIPS CDD4201
Spinbird CD-RW 4x4x32 Atapi Unit based on PHILIPS CDD4401
Spinbird CD-RW 8x4x32 Atapi Unit based on PHILIPS CDD4801
HEWLETT-PACKARD HP9200i SCSI Revision 1.0e
HP9210i SCSI Various results: 'Settlers IV' failed.
HP7200i Atapi Back-ups only work in a good reader (preferably an older model).
HP8250i Atapi Works only if based on PHILIPS CDD4201
HP8220e USB
HP8230e USB
HITACHI 8160 Atapi
IMATION CD-R 8x20 SCSI Unit based on PLEXTOR PX-R820
CD-R 12x8x32 Atapi Unit based on ACER CDW-1208A
IOMEGA ZipCD 4x650 Atapi Unit based on PHILIPS CDD4201
ZipCD 4x650 USB
8432 Atapi Unit based on PHILIPS CDD4801
LG LUCKY GOLDSTAR GCE-8160B Atapi Korean writer model only. Does not depend on firmware.
GCE-8240B Atapi
GCE-8320B Atapi
LIFETEC LT 9330 Atapi Unit based on ACER CDW-4432A
LT 9340 Atapi Unit based on PHILIPS CDD4401
LITE-ON LTR-12102B Atapi
LTR-16102B Atapi Read at 4x to be safe
LTR-24102B Atapi
LTR-24103S Atapi
LTR-32123S Atapi
LTR-40123S Atapi
MEDION MD 9325 Atapi Unit based on ACER CRW-6432A
MM 9364 Atapi
MD 9898 Atapi
RW 4x4x32 Atapi Unit based on ACER CDW-4432A
MEMOREX CRW-1622 Atapi
CRW-2224 Atapi
MIRAI CRD-BP1300P Atapi Must use firmware 1.06 from www.mirai-technologies.com
MITSUMI CR4801T4 Atapi
CR4804TE Atapi Only readable in recorder ?
CR4805TE Atapi Only readable in recorder
CR4808TE Atapi Only readable in recorder
PHILIPS CDD2600 SCSI Used BlindRead/CDRWin to read/write it.
CDD3801 Atapi
CDD4201 Atapi
CDD4401 Atapi
CDD4801 Atapi
PCA382RW Atapi
PCRW404K Atapi
PCRW804K Atapi
PCRW1208K Atapi
800 Series Atapi
PLEXTOR 124TSi SCSI Firmware 1.04 is reported to work!
PX-R820 SCSI Only units made after February 1999 can do it.
PX-W4220 SCSI Only readable in recorder
PX-W8220 SCSI Only if TLA#=01xx. Others are only readable in recorder
PX-W1210S SCSI Only readable in recorder
PX-W820 Atapi Only readable in recorder ?
PX-W8432 Atapi Various results:
Settlers IV works. Operation Flashpoint works in some readers.
PX-W8432T Atapi Only readable in recorder
PX-W1210A TLA#0000 * Atapi Only readable in recorder
PX-W1210A TLA#0101 * Atapi Only readable in recorder
PX-W1210A TLA#0201 * Atapi Firmware 1.04 is reported to work in some cases! **
PX-W1210A TLA#0202 * Atapi Firmware 1.04 is reported to work in some cases! **
PX-W1210A TLA#0204 * Atapi Only readable in recorder. 'Max Payne' failed!
PX-W1210A TLA#0301 * Atapi Only readable in recorder
PX-W1210A TLA#0303 * Atapi Only readable in recorder
PX-W1210A TLA#0305 * Atapi Only readable in recorder
PX-W1210A TLA#0307 * Atapi Only readable in recorder
PX-W1610A Atapi Only readable in recorder
PX-W2410A Atapi
PX-W4012A Atapi
RICOH MP-7083A Atapi Firmware 1.10 is reported to work in some cases! **
MP-7060A Atapi Only readable in recorder
MP-7063A Atapi Only readable in recorder
MP-7120A Atapi Only readable in recorder
MP-7125A Atapi Only readable in recorder
MP-7163A Atapi Only readable in recorder. 'Max Payne' failed!
MP-7200A Atapi Firmware 1.10 is reported to work in some cases! **
MP-9120A Atapi Only readable in recorder
TDK VELOCD 12/10/32 Atapi Only readable in recorder
VELOCD 16/10/40 Atapi
VELOCD 24/10/40B Atapi
VELOCD 32/10/40B Atapi
12/10/32A Atapi Unit based on RICOH MP-7120A
TEAC CD-R55S SCSI Only readable in recorder
CD-W512EB Atapi Only readable in recorder
CD-W524E Atapi
CD-W58E Atapi Only readable in recorder
RW 4x4x32 Atapi Unit based on ACER CDW-4432A OEM
TRAXDATA CDRW4424+ Atapi Unit based on PHILIPS CDD4201
CDRW4432+ Atapi Unit based on PHILIPS CDD4401
CDRW8432+ Atapi Unit based on PHILIPS CDD4801
WAITEC WT2082 SCSI Unit based on PLEXTOR PX-W8220 ?
WT2444EI Atapi Unit based on PHILIPS CDD4201
WT3244EI Atapi Unit based on PHILIPS CDD4401
WT8432 Atapi Only readable in recorder
Shuttle Atapi Unit based on PHILIPS CDD4801
YAMAHA CRW2100SZ SCSI Only readable in recorder
CRW3200E Atapi Only readable in recorder
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