26 éve Veletek – PC Dome / PlayDome


Tovább késik az Unreal 2

Írta: Madrac 4 hozzászólás

Már az Epic Games is megerősítette a hír, miszerint az Unreal 2 megjelenése tovább csúszik, és csak karácsonykor jelenik meg. Ez a hír valószínűleg sokakat elkeserít, de egyelőre meg nem erősített hír, hogy az Unreal Tournament 2 ellenben előbb jelenik meg és kitölti az űrt júniusban.

Kattints, ha érdekesnek találtad a cikket!


Malakai [36]
De ha az UT2 előbb jön ki nem lesz időm fejleszteni a gépet... :)
Reader [424]
Szerintem fog az még tovább is késni! :-X
A nagy nevek mindíg késnek.
jatfield [3488]
"...érdekes dolgokat mond Mark Reign", aki valójában Mark Rein :P.
jatfield [3488]
A szívbajt, hoztátok rám, azt hittem, hogy még tovább csúszik ;).
Ami a "hivatalosan meg nem erősített" részt illeti: (előre is bocs a hosszú idézetért de érdekes dolgokat mond Mark Reign)
"We spent Wednesday and Thursday of this week reviewing both games and came to the conclusion, along with Infogrames and the developers, that the games will be ready in this order and for these timeframes. Unreal2 is going to take a little longer than previously expected but it is even better than we originally thought it would be and the extra time is 100% justified. UT2, on the other hand, is ahead of where we thought it would be and, as with Unreal2, better than our expectations.
As for the change in release dates: that's what happens when you value quality over all else and luckily we work with great partners like Infogrames, DE and Legend who see 100% eye-to-eye with us on that.
The scope of Unreal2 is just astounding so it should come as no surprise that the amount of time it requires to polish and finesse is longer than something like UT2. The original Unreal took 3.5 years to develop whereas UT took about 14 months. Neither product is being held back or accelerated toward these dates - they're just happening to come to their natural completions in these time frames.
Unreal2 will stand up to any FPS game no matter who makes it or what tech it uses. I'm not saying that to disparage anyone else's game or tech - there will be lots of great FPS games this year that we'll all play and enjoy - but Unreal2 will answer to no one. After seeing the brilliant work the folks at Legend have put into this game recently I am 100% confident of this statement.
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