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A Sötét Lovag - The Dark Knight

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hahakocka [1355]
Voxot én is veszem megint kb 2-3 hónapja. A 2. TDK cikk eléggé vicces mert azok a 'hibák' a cikkíró figyelmetlenségből adódhattak szerintem.


Most már tuti 2arc sorsa:

Aaron Eckhart Confirms Two Face's Fate

Harvey 'Two Face' Dent has been officially buried six-feet-under and won't be coming back for "The Dark Knight" sequel. While talking about his new controversial movie "Towelhead", the man behind Dent, Aaron Eckhart, put an end to any speculation regarding the possibility of his character's return in "Batman 3".

When asked by Superhero Hype!, Eckhart firmly stated that the villain is indeed dead. "No. He is dead as a door nail," he said, adding further, "He ain't coming back baby!" In similar note, he told Chud that director Christopher Nolan has confirmed the matter to him. "I asked Chris if there was a chance of coming back," the 40-year-old noted. "'No way,' he said. 'He's toast."

Back in midst August, Dennis O'Neil, the author of the movie novelization, has also laid down the fact on the character with half-disfigured face. He wrote that the once rising District Attorney of Gotham
