25 éve Veletek – PC Dome / PlayDome

ArchLord-100% free MMORPG

Írd ide hozzászólásod:

devastator [1946]
ezen az oldalon regelsz, eszerint telepítesz, és már játékra kész is vagy.

Amúgy a megfelelő kliens beszerzésére ez a rész vonatkozik:

Step 2: Download and Install the Chronicle 5: Oath of Blood - Live Client

The C5 Live Client download is over 2 GB in size, and once installed about 5 GB in size. Make sure you are able to download such a large file, have room to install it on your hard drive, and your internet is stable before downloading!

Mirror #1: GameSpot (Free Account Required)
Mirror #2: Internode
Mirror #3: Spawnpoint

Mirror #4 - Filefront (Thanks to Pacmang)
Part 1 of 5 (~700 M
Part 2 of 5 (~700 M
Part 3 of 5 (~700 M
Part 4 of 5 (~700 M
Part 5 of 5 (~90 M

You can try looking here for some more mirrors of the C5 Live Client:

If none of those works you may want to search for "LineageII_C5_Live_Client" on your favorite search engine.

Some players are hosting a "fully updated" C5 client which you can read more about here. Supreme staff does not endorse these files as we have not tested them, but so far there have been little complaints.

We still recommend you download the full C5 Live Client and the C5 Update Package seperately since we have tested that method ourselves. However, the choice is yours.

szerk.:most látom hogy a linkeket persze nem másolta át, szóval azt arról az oldalról szedd le inkább, amit linkeltem

Too stubborn to die...

