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Respect is not given. It's taken.
Fórum » Nem számítástechnikai témák
Respect is not given. It's taken.
Man literally too angry to die
Respect is not given. It's taken.
Serbia is like Nokia: each year a new model, and it's getting smaller.
Die Hard 13 - Az élet most aztán már k*rva drága!
Serbia is like Nokia: each year a new model, and it's getting smaller.
Hate Is Not Enough To Turn This All To Ashes
Hate Is Not Enough To Turn This All To Ashes
"....money talks, and bullshit runs the marathon." /Chris Carter: Hunting Evil/
http://gustyx.web4.hu - saját véleméyeim, tapasztalataim játékokról
"....money talks, and bullshit runs the marathon." /Chris Carter: Hunting Evil/
http://gustyx.web4.hu - saját véleméyeim, tapasztalataim játékokról
I wish I could have known about the view from halfway down
Chef : -You shouldn't have done that Stan. / Stan: -Why? / Chef: -Because now it's on!
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'
Chef : -You shouldn't have done that Stan. / Stan: -Why? / Chef: -Because now it's on!
RIP pcdome
My father was brutally murdered last week, and it's only now that I can look back and laugh.
RIP pcdome
Aki nem változtatja a véleményét, az nem gondolkozik!
I wish I could have known about the view from halfway down
If I look back I am lost
...mert szegény vagyok, csak álmaim vannak. Álmaimat a lábad elé terítem, Óvatosan lépkedj, mert az álmaimon lépkedsz....
Dark Archon | i5-12600KF - RTX 3070 - 16Gb - Windows 10 x64 | BF4: DarkArchonHUN | Canyon Endurace 7
...non mollare mai...
Dark Archon | i5-12600KF - RTX 3070 - 16Gb - Windows 10 x64 | BF4: DarkArchonHUN | Canyon Endurace 7
...non mollare mai...
Dark Archon | i5-12600KF - RTX 3070 - 16Gb - Windows 10 x64 | BF4: DarkArchonHUN | Canyon Endurace 7
...non mollare mai...
My father was brutally murdered last week, and it's only now that I can look back and laugh.
Dark Archon | i5-12600KF - RTX 3070 - 16Gb - Windows 10 x64 | BF4: DarkArchonHUN | Canyon Endurace 7
Serbia is like Nokia: each year a new model, and it's getting smaller.
Levágtunk egy disznót, de úgy tűnik, senki sem kér szalonnát. | 2004.03.27. - 2012.08.31.
i tell it like it is, cause im a bold figure
Levágtunk egy disznót, de úgy tűnik, senki sem kér szalonnát. | 2004.03.27. - 2012.08.31.
I wish I could have known about the view from halfway down
Endure. In enduring, grow strong.
My father was brutally murdered last week, and it's only now that I can look back and laugh.
Serbia is like Nokia: each year a new model, and it's getting smaller.
My father was brutally murdered last week, and it's only now that I can look back and laugh.
A fórumon szereplő hozzászólások olvasóink véleményét tükrözik, azokért semmilyen felelősséget nem vállalunk.